Sphalerite Specimen

Showing all 8 results

  • Missouri Minerals Druzy Quartz, Chalcopyrite, and Cubic Galena!


    Stunning Rare Druzy Quartz Flower atop of Chalcopyrite with Cubic Galena Specimen!

    ~Chalcopyrite helps with the grounding of excess nervous energy, allowing the body and mind to release stress related emotions which can cause an imbalance throughout the body. Chalcopyrite is known to help connect with Archangel Metatron energy and assists you in aligning your Energies, bringing all your energy centers in your physical, emotional, mental, Spiritual energy bodies and in your Auric and Ethereal energy fields into balance.

    ~Galena is a transformation stone! It is effective when starting on a personal spiritual journey. Galena is also an Earth stone and as has strong grounding properties such as building strength, recovering personal power and helps reduce EMFs.

    ~Druzy brings light and joy to the environment. What a great synergy of stones!

    Size: about 2 1/4″ by 1 3/4″
    Weight: 97 grams / 3.4 ounces

    You are purchasing the exact Specimen that is pictured. I cleanse every product sold with my proprietary cleanse so your gems arrive with good vibes.

  • Sphalerite with Rhombohedron Calcite and Marcasite from Missouri!


    Multi-Dimensional Amazing and Rare Sphalerite and Calcite Specimen with hints of Marcasite! This is comprised of lovely gray black shiny druzy sphalerite with mini calcite rhombohedrons on the edges. Natures work of Art!

    ~Sphalerite is a grounding stone, working well with the lower chakras. It helps to balance male and female energies and increases vitality when you need it most. Sphalerite is also known to help you weigh the good and the bad in difficult situations. It also eases the transition period, especially when changing jobs.

    Size: about 6″ by 4 1/2″
    Weight: 831 grams / 1 pound 13 ounces

    You are purchasing the exact Sphalerite Specimen that is pictured. Properties of your specimen are included with your order. I cleanse every product sold with my proprietary cleanse so your gems arrive with good vibes.

  • Sphalerite and Calcite Specimen from Dalnegorsk!


    Amazing and Rare Dalnegorsk Sphalerite and Calcite Specimen! This is comprised of lovely ray black shiny sphalerite with a sugary druzy calcite! ~Sphalerite is a grounding stone, working well with…

  • Sphalerite and Pyrrhotite Specimen from Dalnegorsk!


    Amazing and Rare Dalnegorsk Pyrrhotite and Sphalerite Specimen! The pyrrhotite is hexagonal with a good luster and bronze iridescence and is even in druzy form throughout. It mostly made up…

  • Dalnegorsk Pyrrhotite with Quartz, Calcite and Sphalerite!


    Amazing and Rare Dalnegorsk Pyrrhotite, Quartz, Calcite and Sphalerite Specimen! This Specimen is so rare and amazing! The pyrrhotite is hexagonal with a good luster and bronze iridescence. It has stalactic shape covered with spiky little elongated Quartz crystals and botryoidal calcite! The pyrrhotite has silvery galena and sphalerite crystals interspersed throughout giving beautiful contrast! …

  • Sale!

    Red Sphalerite on Calcite from Elmwood Tennessee!


    Absolutely Amazing Rare and Unique, Old Stock Red and Gray Sphalerite on Crystal Calcite from Elmwood Tennessee! This specimen comes to you from the now closed Cumberland mine and its beauty is so hard to capture in photos. Its energy is sheer perfection with the synergy of calcite and sphalerite. There is even little gemmy …

  • Lovely Sphalerite Druzy Obelisk!


    Lovely and sparkly Sphalerite druzy obelisk! This is such a rare and unique find with multiple openings of sparkly druzy!

    ~Sphalerite is made up of zinc sulfide, the chief ore of zinc, and is a part of the Sphalerite group. It may be yellow, brown, red or black. Sphalerite is also known as Zinc Blende. …

  • Dalnegorsk Pyrrhotite with Quartz, Calcite, Galena and Sphalerite!


    Amazing and Rare Dalnegorsk Pyrrhotite, Quartz, Calcite, Galena and Sphalerite Specimen! This Specimen is so rare and amazing! The pyrrhotite is hexagonal with a good luster and bronze iridescence. It has stalactic shape covered with spiky little elongated Quartz crystals! The pyrrhotite has silvery galena and sphalerite crystals interspersed throughout giving beautiful contrast!

    ~Pyrrhotite …