Rare Brookite in Quartz Crystal Cluster!
Lovely Clear Quartz Crystals with Brookite from Pakistan! This is such a beauty and the energy is so super High and powerful yet soothing at the same time! Brookite generally occurs as very small tabular crystals, and they may be found on a matrix of other stone or occasionally in quartz.
~Brookite stimulates the crown …
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Lovely Clear Quartz Crystals with Brookite from Pakistan! This is such a beauty and the energy is so super High and powerful yet soothing at the same time! Brookite generally occurs as very small tabular crystals, and they may be found on a matrix of other stone or occasionally in quartz.
~Brookite stimulates the crown chakra and the third eye, and will also help you to move upwards within the soul star chakra and above. Brookite crystals are quite unusual, and have a quite powerful ability to stimulate your higher chakras and areas of your brain that have never been opened! They open your awareness, assisting you to see and perceive things you have not experienced before. This stimulation of your brain assists you to awaken to new experiences in the spiritual realms.
~Quartz has the ability to take in and send energy so it is perfect for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz is a powerful overall healing crystal that can energize and amplify blessings and intentions! Natural quartz crystal has a remarkable energy – it vibrates all of the color frequencies of the spectrum!
Size: about 3" by 1 3/4"
Weight: 91 grams / 3.2 ounces
You are purchasing the exact Brookite in Quartz Specimen that is pictured! The properties and meanings of this stone will be included with your order. I cleanse every product sold with my proprietary cleanse so your gems arrive with good vibes.
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