Crystal Types/Shapes Part 2

Did you ever wonder about the significance of the shapes of crystals? Why should I choose a sphere or a point or a pyramid shaped crystal?

Terminated crystals: A terminated or pointed crystal focuses energy. They are also very helpful in breaking up energy blockages. One of the things you can do in a crystal healing/meditation is to rotate a quartz point over an area which feels congested. Holding a terminated crystal when you meditate will help you to focus on meditation. The most common form for a crystal point is a simple termination. Crystals with a 6 sided point are called generators. Generator Crystals are recognized by six faces that join sharply at the terminated apex. These powerful crystals can receive, store, amplify, and transmit energy on all levels. Their geometric form focuses and distributes cosmic force energy into ones life. They also magnify and intensify white-light energy for stimulation of the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and subtle bodies. These powerful healing tools are excellent for self-healing or as an addition to a healer’s set.

Double Terminated Crystals are crystals that come to a natural termination at both ends. These specialized stones have the capacity to draw in, as well as emanate out energy from either end. They facilitate the balance and integration of energies in the center and channel the flow of energy out in both directions. The DT’s boost all forms of communication, especially enhancing psychic energies as they symbolize the integration and balance of the dual expression of spirit and matter. They can also be used to assist in providing protection from mental and physical harm, enabling one to maintain ones energy shield.

Pyramid Shaped: The energy of a pyramid is generally less intense than of a terminated crystal. Although it comes to a point the angle of this point isn’t as narrow. The most important function of a pyramid is to draw spiritual energy through the point and to ground it at the base. It helps to blend spiritual and physical energies.

Sphere Shaped: The sphere represents completion, fullness, the realization of all possibilities. It has no beginning or end. To carve a sphere you must cut away a mass of crystal which can be as much as ten times the finished creation. A sphere symbolizes all that we need to release in order to reach the realization of our own innate perfection. In feng shui, a sphere is the most harmonious form possible. Because of its balancing energy it is ideal to place in the center of a room. It’s also the perfect centerpiece for a crystal arrangement or for an altar. Because it has no beginning or end it can place us very much in the here and now.

Merkaba Shaped: is a carved and polished star tetrahedron shaped crystal which consists of two interpenetrating three-sided pyramids that form a three-dimensional Star of David. It links the mind, heart, and body to produce the Merkaba effect, an energy field. In the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt, it meant MER (rotating fields of light), KA (spirit), and BA (soul). The Merkaba activates the protective love of the Universe and awakens, heals, and transforms on the spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional levels. It is a powerful symbol in what is known as sacred geometry. Some believe that the “Merkaba Vehicle of Light” is an interdimensional energy vehicle capable of transporting ones consciousness to unlimited realms of higher awareness.

Choosing the “right” crystal to work with can be daunting. It is always best to rely on your intuition and what crystal shape you are drawn to.

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