Faden Crystals
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Faden Crystals

What are Faden Crystals? Faden Quartz Crystals contain one or more string-like white lines inside them, which are composed of air and/or tiny water bubbles. They are formed when the crystal fractures and then heals itself, creating this thread-like inclusion. Their name is derived from the German word for “string.” These crystals are said to…

How to Work With Your Crystals
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How to Work With Your Crystals

So you just purchased a bunch of new crystals and stones, now what? Do you have to work with them to get the benefits? What if you just think they are pretty and enjoy looking at them? I always recommend that you don’t overthink the process. Your were drawn to the crystals you have because…

Lovely Ilvaite
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Lovely Ilvaite

Have you ever experienced the lustrous mineral called Ilvaite? I love its dark and magical beauty as well as its stabilizing energy! What is Ilvaite? The meaning of the name of Ilvaite (also known as Yenite) comes from the location where it was first discovered on the Italian island of Elba, which is located in…

Hematite for Healing and Charging Crystals
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Hematite for Healing and Charging Crystals

I often feel like the basic crystals and stones get overlooked. I also believe that a lot of us with a spiritual practice tend to hang out in our higher chakras while neglecting the lower chakras- especially the root chakra. Hematite has become one of my favorite stones for many purposes – especially for addressing…

Marvelous Malachite!
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Marvelous Malachite!

Don’t you just love Malachite? I love the vibrant green color and how when polished it makes the most magical swirls and orbicular patterns! What is Malachite? Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with chemical formula [Cu2CO3(OH)2] formed by the weathering of copper ore bodies in the vicinity. The hardness varies between 3.5–4.0. This…

Lemurian Crystals
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Lemurian Crystals

Where do they come from? Lemurians Crystals also known as Lemurian Seed Crystals are known to come from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. There are other locals known for these crystals to exist- and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were found worldwide. Many crystal dealers will tell you that true lemurians only…

Amazing Baobab Elestial Amethyst!
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Amazing Baobab Elestial Amethyst!

Have you experienced Baobab Amethyst? There are a few crystals that call to me from afar and Baobab Amethyst is one of them! The formations, colors and elestials on these prized beauties is just profound! Baobab Amethysts are named for their origin in the Baobab mine of Kenya. Baobabs are luminous crystals with color zoning….

Hemimorphite Love!
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Hemimorphite Love!

Hemimorphite is a stone that is needed now and is closely associated with Smithsonite, another rare collector’s gem. Because of their close resemblance, hemimorphite and smithsonite were grouped together as calamine. They were later discovered to be two distinctively different minerals by James Smithson the mineralogist of the Smithsonian Institute. Hemimorphite’s name originates from the…