Lemurian Crystals
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Lemurian Crystals

Where do they come from? Lemurians Crystals also known as Lemurian Seed Crystals are known to come from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. There are other locals known for these crystals to exist- and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were found worldwide. Many crystal dealers will tell you that true lemurians only…

Amazing Baobab Elestial Amethyst!
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Amazing Baobab Elestial Amethyst!

Have you experienced Baobab Amethyst? There are a few crystals that call to me from afar and Baobab Amethyst is one of them! The formations, colors and elestials on these prized beauties is just profound! Baobab Amethysts are named for their origin in the Baobab mine of Kenya. Baobabs are luminous crystals with color zoning….

Hemimorphite Love!
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Hemimorphite Love!

Hemimorphite is a stone that is needed now and is closely associated with Smithsonite, another rare collector’s gem. Because of their close resemblance, hemimorphite and smithsonite were grouped together as calamine. They were later discovered to be two distinctively different minerals by James Smithson the mineralogist of the Smithsonian Institute. Hemimorphite’s name originates from the…

Crystal Types/Shapes Part 2
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Crystal Types/Shapes Part 2

Did you ever wonder about the significance of the shapes of crystals? Why should I choose a sphere or a point or a pyramid shaped crystal? Terminated crystals: A terminated or pointed crystal focuses energy. They are also very helpful in breaking up energy blockages. One of the things you can do in a crystal…

Rose Quartz
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Rose Quartz

What the world needs now! Cupid bestowed Rose Quartz stone upon the Earth as a gift of love, passion, and happiness for all. I have really been seeing a stronger need for utilizing rose quartz to help bring more humanity to our planet through channeling the frequency of love. Rose Quartz encapsulates Love! It is…

Are Selenite and Satin Spar the Same?
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Are Selenite and Satin Spar the Same?

There is a bit of discussion in the scientific and metaphysical realms about what everyone calls selenite. Most of the “selenite” on the open market is actually satin spar from Morocco. It is used widely as a clearing and charging tool. But is it selenite? Selenite and satin spar are both forms of the evaporative…

The One Crystal that Everyone Should Have Is…
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The One Crystal that Everyone Should Have Is…

A Quartz Crystal! Quartz is an all purpose healing tool. It helps bring mind, body and spirit into perfect harmony. It’s many uses outnumber other stones. This makes quartz crystals such a beneficial starter stone! When you want to know more about a crystal, you look at the way it was formed. As Quartz forms…